Top 20 BEST Disney Films of All Time

1. “Bambi 2”

2. “Meet The Robinsons”

3. “The Nightmare Before Christmas”

4. “TRON”

5. “Lilo & Stitch”

6. “Bolt”

7. “Treasure Planet”

8. “Hocus Pocus”

9. “The Lion King”

10. “Enchanted”

11. “Maleficent”

12. “Mars Needs Moms”

13. “Cool Runnings”

14. “Inspector Gadget”

15. “Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl”

16. “Mary Poppins”

17. “Frankenweenie”

18. “The Fox and the Hound”

19. “Dinosaur”

20. “A Christmas Carol”

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