“Littlefoot And His Friends” Episode 1: Cera’s Prank Craziness

RUBY walks into the living room in a hurry.

RUBY: Oh my God, this is insane! Ducky! CHOMPER!

DUCKY and CHOMPER walk towards Ruby.

DUCKY: Yes Ruby, what is it?

RUBY: Come to the kitchen! It’s serious!

CHOMPER: What’s serious? What happened?

RUBY: It’s Cera. She was cutting food for lunch, and she accidentally cut her hand!

DUCKY: Cut her hand?! That’s horrible!

Chomper runs into the kitchen.

CHOMPER: Cera, are you okay?

Chomper finds CERA, laying on the floor, screaming. Her hand is covered in ketchup, making it look like blood.

CHOMPER: I got to do something!

Chomper grabs a paper towel, putting it on Cera’s fake wound.

CHOMPER: I got you, Cera. Just hang on.

Chomper carries Cera to the living room, setting her down on the couch.

DUCKY: Cera! What happened? Huh? Huh?

CERA (Screaming): I was cutting tree stars for soup, and I cut my hand!

DUCKY: We have to do something! Yep, yep, yep!

RUBY: I’ll get a Band-AID.

Cera continues to scream in pain.

CHOMPER: Don’t worry, Cera. I’m here for you. Think of that time I got you a stuffed unicorn for Christmas. Happy thoughts!

DUCKY: Cera, you’re going to be fine. Yep, yep, yep.

CERA: Guys, get wrecked. Get wrecked!

Ruby and Cera both laugh.

RUBY: You fell for the 101st oldest trick in the book!

DUCKY: This was a prank? Huh? Huh?

CERA: Yes! And it was funny!

DUCKY: You can’t prank people that you cut your hand. Oh no. No, no, no.

RUBY: And, you fell for it.

CHOMPER: You two are so sick! You hear me? Sick! Why? Cera, that was so rude! You made me scared! Why the mean Sharptooth did you do it?

CERA: Because it’s funny!

DUCKY: Cera, pranking people of injury is not funny. No, no, no.

CHOMPER: Did you see me laughing? No! I was scared! Oh, this is ridiculous. You’re really rude.

RUBY: Chomper, why are you mad?

CHOMPER: You pranked me! Why would you do it to your adopted son?

RUBY: I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were going to get scared. Normally, you take jokes very good.

CHOMPER: Well, not when you fake injury! Ducky, do you just want to watch iCarly?

DUCKY: Yep, yep, yep. Good bye, meanies.

Chomper and Ducky walk away from Ruby and Cera.

RUBY: Cera, you didn’t tell me that stuff makes Chomper scared. You said that they would take it and not freak out. I’m not that dark.

CERA: Well, I pranked you, too.

Ruby drops her jaw in surprise.

RUBY:. Not cool, Cera. I’m doing another prank with you.

Ruby walks away from Cera. Chomper and Ducky watch iCarly in his bedroom.

DUCKY: You know, Chomper, I like pranks, but not when they’re dark.

CHOMPER: Yeah. I’m ready to forgive Ruby.

DUCKY: Okay, but I’m not ready to forgive Cera. No, no, no.

Cera walks into the bedroom.

CERA: Chomper, I’m sorry I made you scared, but i decided to let you have a nice hot bath.

CHOMPER: I don’t know.

CERA: Oh, don’t be scared. I insist.

CHOMPER: Oh, whatever.

Chomper walks out of the bedroom. Cera starts to laugh.

DUCKY: Cera, why are you laughing? You just let him use your bath tub. Why is that funny?

Cera pulls out a jar of sinking sand. Ducky gasps in surprise.

RUBY: Hey, guys. What’s all of the commotion? Why is Cera holding a jar of sinking sand?

CERA: I put in the bath tub. And guess who is in it!

DUCKY: Cera, you put sinking sand in the bath tub?

CERA: Oh hell yeah!

RUBY: Cera, how could you? That’s so rude. I might like pranks, but this is not funny. He’s my adopted son. Plus, this is physically scaring him.

Chomper screams from the bathroom. Ducky runs into the bathroom.

DUCKY: Chomper! Oh hell no!

Ruby walks in, as well.

RUBY: Chomper! Holy crap!

Cera walks in, laughing. Chomper is Stuck, struggling to get free.

CHOMPER: I’m stuck! I can’t get out!

RUBY: Please try!

CHOMPER: I’m trying! Did you do this, Ruby?

RUBY: No! It was Cera!

CERA (Laughing): That’s right! I put sinking sand in the tub, and now you’re stuck! Look who’s scared, now!

CHOMPER: What were you thinking? Ruby, help! Help!

RUBY: Chomper, stay there! I’ll find the nail polish l!

Later, Ruby carries Chomper to his bedroom, holding a teddy bear.

CHOMPER (Crying): I’m scared.

CERA (Laughing): I hope you have nightmares, tonight!

Later, Ducky looks through her medicine cabinet.

DUCKY: All right. Let’s see. Where is the medicine? My tummy hurts, so bad.

CERA: Ducky, look what’s outside.

DUCKY: Cera, you better bot…

Ducky sees a rainbow and butterflies outside. She gets out of the house to see.

DUCKY: Wow, a rainbow. Butterflies. Birds. Flowers. Cera, this is really nice of you.

Cera closes the door, locking Ducky out of the house.

DUCKY: What the hell? Cera, let me back in the house!

Cera blows a raspberry, laughing.

CERA: Try to get back in now, cute feet!

Ducky bangs her shoulder on the door. LITTLEFOOT enters the living room.

LITTLEFOOT: Cera, what’s all of the… Why is Ducky locked out of the house?

CERA: Littlefoot, look at Ducky now!

LITTLEFOOT: Cera, this is stupid! What the hell is your problem? Don’t worry, Ducky.

Littlefoot unlocks the door, letting Ducky back in. Cera laughs, running back to her bedroom.

Later that night.

Littlefoot walks to Ducky.

LITTLEFOOT; Ducky, I’m sorry that Cera locked you out of my house.

DUCKY: That’s okay,but I have a really good prank I’m going to pull on Cera. You know how Cera hates seeing her psychologist? I’m going to wake her up, since it’s 3:00 AM, and tell her to get ready to see the psychologist.

LITTLEFOOT: Ducky, since she pranked me that my Nintendo was on fire, let me do the prank.

DUCKY: Okay. Good luck.

Littlefoot walks into Cera’s bedroom and turns on the light. Cera wakes up, hugging a stuffed Rainbow Dash unicorn.

CERA (Tired): What the hell do you want, Mr. Longneck Bambi?

LITTLEFOOT: Cera, get up and get ready for your psychologist appointment.

CERA: Oh hell no!

LITTLEFOOT: Cera, I need your perscriptions refilled!

CERA: Every time I go, she always asks me how I am, how’s my life going, what’s going on, and am I in a good mood. I can’t stand it! She’s so rude as hell!

LITTLEFOOT: Cera, cut that crap! That’s a common courtesy. You should be glad she cares. It’s not rude.

CERA: Fine! I’ll get the hell up and go downstairs!

Cera gets up, still holding the Rainbow Dash plush. She exits the bedroom.

LITTLEFOOT: Okay, well at least you’re going downstairs. Now let’s get some breakfast, brush your teeth, and…

Littlefoot sees Cera laying down in the couch.

LITTLEFOOT: Are you kidding me? Don’t you really tell me you’re asleep. I told you to get ready for the psychologist appointment. We won’t be needing this, won’t we?

CERA: Get off!

LITTLEFOOT: Give the remote to me.

CERA: I’m watching TV.

LITTLEFOOT: No you’re not. Give it to me now!

CERA: I’m watching My Little Pony.

LITTLEFOOT: You’re not watching My Little Piny. The TV isn’t even on. Get up.

CERA: Let go of my leg! You’re going to make my panties fall off.

LITTLEFOOT: Then get up and get ready for your psychologist appointment.

CERA: Bah! Okay.

Cera gets up and walks into the kitchen. Littlefoot follows her. Cera pulls out a box of Pop Tarts.

LITTLEFOOT: Okay. That’s a good breakfast choice. Pop Tarts.

Cera walks over to the fridge and grabs whipped cream.

LITTLEFOOT: What are you doing? Put that back. That’s stupid.

Cera puts whipped cream on the Pop Tarts.

LITTLEFOOT: Oh my God. Stop it. That’s so silly. Nobody puts whipped cream on their Pop Tarts.

Cera puts the Pop Tarts in the microwave, and starts it

LITTLEFOOT: Cera! I can’t believe you! What’s your problem? Stop that!

Littlefoot takes the Pop Tarts out of the microwave.

CERA: Now, let’s look at the time.

Cera pulls out her Sony phone.

LITTLEFOOT: Well, crap.

CERA: Littlefoot? Why did I not get a notified about a psychologist appointment? You pranked me! Didn’t you!

Littlefoot laughs.

LITTLEFOOT: I got you good! You fell for it like crap! You thought we were seeing a psychologist! We’re not. You got pranked, cute panties. Pranked! You faked to burn my Nintendo, locked Ducky out of the house, got Chomper stuck in the bath tub, and pranked to cut your hand! I’m going to bed, Cera! Tra la la la la la la la la la la!

Littlefoot runs back up the stairs.

CERA: What the hell was that for?

Cera walks back in her bedroom. Littlefoot, Ducky, Chomper, and Ruby all sit on her bed.

RUBY: Hey, Cera! You got pranked!

DUCKY: By us. Yep, yep, yep.

LITTLEFOOT: How does it feel now? Now, we all learned a lesson, today. If you start pranking each other, you’ll get your tail bitten.

The End.

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